Zeitgeist – D. Duffy

Author: David Duffy

A recent article in the Australian newspaper spoke of Zeitgeist, the spirit of this day and age, as something pervasive and impalpable though very real, which politicians need to hitch a ride on to avoid eclipse, oblivion, and of course being voted out of office. The writer made the point that progressives now hold the whip hand – they are flavour of the month even if not in those exact words. Meanwhile thousands of school children guided by these same progressives have taken to the streets and are chanting the mantra of man made global warming, their tiny minds are swimming in a sea of left wing Zeitgeist. 

Socialism and left wing ideology in general is the god that failed in the twentieth century.  About eighty million unmarked graves and a thousand million ruined lives are its legacy. Its latest playground is Venezuela. The secret ingredient of all left wing ideologies is the perfectibility of our human nature.  We the appointed ones can make you a born again citizen of the socialist Valhalla.  Underpinning this is a fanatical denial of any reality beyond matter. We are predictable genetic nuts and bolts  and our social lives are a Pavlovian response to physical environment and physical stimulus.  We can be engineered like rats in the laboratory.  We have no souls. This Zeitgeist uses fear and moral blackmail and makes us dumbed down feudal vassals of the left, afraid to speak our minds.  We might be ridiculed, shunned or dismissed from our jobs.

There are several battlefronts in this long march to progressive utopia. One is radical feminism which deprives women of femininity, demonises the traditional home and sees men as the enemy while training women to be more and more like men.  Another is radical environmentalism which eulogises the planet but whose real aim is to replace capitalism with a socialist power structure governed by a green elite.  Then there is global multiculturalism which aims to destroy patriotism and national identity in lieu of one homogeneous world again governed by an elite. Finally, there is gender fluidity which encourages young children to experiment in self identity and perhaps even surgery to reassign their sex.

The point is that every one of these panaceas is a direct threat to our civilisation as it stands. Green environmentalism seeks to throttle those very sinews of industry which have given us the good life, freedom and a high standard of living. In all developed countries radical feminism aims to displace the nuclear family which is the building block for stability and prosperity in the democratic world. The gender fluidity movement destroys human lives. It is an abomination.

 The society we have inherited which sustains us is based on wealth created by industry and the use of natural resources, including fossil fuels.  Traditional families which will nurture the young in a caring environment and strong democratic nations which cherish their freedom and are prepared to fight for it if necessary. Progressive Utopians, an influential minuscule minority, are the mortal enemies of our future.