Australian Think Tanks
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Advance Australia | We Advance Australia when mainstream values are at the core of our way of life. Australia has always been about a fair go. Sadly, our governments aren’t listening and powerful elites and left-wing activists currently dictate our future. In today’s politically correct world, if you and I stay silent we will continue to be ignored. |
The Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation | When philanthropist and private hospital magnate Paul Ramsay passed away, he left billions to establish a centre dedicated to teaching of and research into works of the classical Western canon. These works are currently being removed from main stream universities in their decolonisation efforts. |
The Centre for Independent Studies | The Centre for Independent Studies promotes free choice and individual liberty, and defends cultural freedom and the open exchange of ideas. |
Institute of Public Affairs | The Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) is a conservative, non-profit free market public policy think tank based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. It advocates free market economic policies such as free markets, privatisation, deregulation of state-owned enterprises, trade liberalisation, deregulation of workplaces, and repeal of section 18C in the Racial Discrimination Act 1975. |
The Menzies Research Centre | Dedicated to carrying on the legacy of the long serving Liberal Prime MInister Robert Menzies. It is a promoter of British styled classical liberal values, including individual liberty, freedom of expression, as well as self-reliance and responsibility. It's research is said to be rigorous, objective and trust-worthy. |
Classical Architecture
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Classical Motifs & Details | In this part 3 of 4, Calder Loth focusses in on the details and motifs found on buildings. One interesting observation is that the original meaning of some classical motifs may have been lost and are now used out of context, such as motifs to do with death.. . |
Greece & Rome Part 2 | This is an excellent complement to the 4 part series. It provides a broader narrative filling out the story. |
Roman Classicism | The 1st in a series of 4 one hour presentations, this episode introduces the elements of the classical forms and aims to increase "literacy" in classical architecture. |
Greek Classicism | The 2nd in a series of 4 one hour presentations, this episode focusses in on the characteristics of Greek classicism and how it differs from the Roman. Since Greece was under Ottoman domination until the 19th Century, access to the classical architectural sites was difficult. |
Greece & Rome Part 1 | This is an excellent complement to the 4 part series. It provides a broader narrative filling out the story. |
Classical Design Principles | This is part 4 and the final in this excellent educational series. It carries on from the previous, introducing more motifs such as the Palladian arch. It then moves onto design principles with examples drawn from American buildings, tracking down their inspiration. |
Free Thought Platforms
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Quadrant | As of 2019 Quadrant mainly publishes commentary, essays and opinion pieces on cultural, political and historical issues, although it also reviews literature and publishes poetry and fiction in the print edition |
John Anderson | John Anderson was the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia fromm 1999 to 2005. He has recently begun a series of excellent one-on-ones with intellectuals opposed to the cultural revolution currently underway in the West. He has the intention of re-entering Parliament as a Senator. |
Quillette | Started by Claire Lehmann from a lounge room blog in 2015, this online journal has quickly become one of the premier free thought platforms in the Anglo-sphere. |
Rowan Atkinson on Free Speech | In real life, comedian Rowan Atkinson is no Mr Bean. In this presentation, he articulates with horror the rise in British thought crime. |
Sydney Trads | Sydney Trads acknowledge the uniqueness of Occidental (Western) civilisation and despair at the passivity of our national “leaders” while the destruction of our cultural icons continues unabated. |
New Culture Forum | New Culture Forum runs excellent informative series on the long march of the hard left through Britain's institutions. It has been active in protecting the heritage of Britain from the ravages of decolonisation. |
Politics and Civilisation | This initiative was inspired by a series of talks put on by the Blackheath Philosophy Forum entitled a A new Dark Age? Emerging threats to free speech and the liberal order. |
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The Alfred Jewel – AELFRED MEC HEHT GEWYRCAN | There are few artefacts tied to Alfred the Great, who defeated the Vikings at Eddington in A.D. 878 ensurring that England remained English rather than Viking. Of course, had he lost would we know any difference now? In any case, the Alfred jewel was found in a field in 1693 wiith the inscription that "Alfred ordered me made" in Old English. |
British-Australian Community | A Community of Australians with heritage from the British Isles. |
Save our Statues – Conservation Movement | Save Our Statues (SOS) is a not for profit coalition formed to protect Great Britain’s exceptional and irreplaceable historical and cultural heritage. SOS is an independent non-partisan UK membership organisation which will deploy all legal, educational and political domains available in order to save beloved national history and culture from intentional destruction, distortion and deterioration. |
Sutton Hoo Anglo-Saxon Burial | A 27 m Anglo-Saxon longship was unearthed by excavator Basil Brown in 1939. Several remarkable archeological treasures were discovered, including the nobleman's helmet covered in intricate imagery. It stems from the period of first Anglo-Saxon settlements in Britain and the displacement of the Romanised Celts. |
Jubilee Room – NSW Parliament House | Australia’s first and oldest parliament, the Parliament of New South Wales is one of the state’s most important historic buildings and continues to serve as the home of the state’s legislature. The restored historic frontage on Macquarie Street dates back to 1816, when it was the northern wing of Governor Macquarie’s ‘Rum Hospital’.The Jubilee Room was built as a reading room for the library in 1906. |
Communist Terror Museum – Never again! | A museum dedicated to not letting the terror of communism be forgotten: Soviet Union, North Korea, Cambodia and Pol Pot, Mao's cultural revolution and great leap forward... (space reserved) |
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Vera Lynn – Land of Hope and Glory | Vera Lynn boosted the morale of Britain and her Empire during the dark days of the 1940s when tyranny threatened. Here she lends her voice to one famous patriotic song, currently under threat from the decolonisers. |
Opera Songs – a selection | As the Barbarians reach the gate listen to... Lakme - flower Duet, La traviata - Brindisi, or just as they enter skip to Die Zauberfloette - Die Hoelle Rache. |
50 Most Famous Classical Pieces | A selection of Western classical music: Strauss, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Verdi, Beethoven, Bach... |
O Fortuna! – Carl Orff with Art by Turner | Carl Orff's choral meisterstueck, sometimes used in coffee advertising to convey the opulence of the aroma. In the 1930s, Munich born Carl Orff set ca. 12th century religious and profane writings to music. Fotuna was a Roman goddes, the personification of luck. |
News Links
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The Australian | Centre-right Australian Newspaper. Behind a paywall. One of the few opposing the mainstream left-elite narrative in Australia's low diversity of thought media landscape. |
Sky News | Unlike Sky News UK, Sky News in Australia is a centre-right news service offering opinion on Australian and global affairs. It provides a counter to the leftwing woke narrative of the National Broadcaster, yet with a team which exceeds the ABC's diversity quotas by miles. |
Politicom | One of few right-of-centre new services not behind a paywall. It is the brain-child of Sean Burke who values factual reporting rather than that driven by woke narratives. |
The Spectator | The Spectator Australia was launched in October 2008 and includes the current edition of the iconic British magazine (est. 1828) plus lots of pages of additional Australian content and editorial. The writers have no party line; their only allegiance is to clarity of thought, elegance of expression and independence of opinion. |
The Eureka Report | ounded in 2001, Eureka Report joined InvestSMART Group in 2016 and brings you daily commentary from our experts on wealth and markets. Editor in Chief, Alan Kohler, leads a team of financial advisers, SMSF experts and economists covering macroeconomic insights, super advice, tax and investment planning. |
North American Think Tanks
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Prager U | Prager University is the world's leading conservative nonprofit that is focused on changing minds through the creative use of digital media - the leading minds making sense of the neo-Marxist neo-racist revolution upon us. |
The Hoover Institution – Stanford University | With its eminent scholars and world-renowned Library and Archives, the Hoover Institution is a public policy think tank that seeks to improve the human condition by advancing ideas that promote economic opportunity and prosperity, while securing and safeguarding peace for America and all mankind. |
The Heritage Foundation | For almost 50 years, The Heritage Foundation has advanced the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defence. It has led the way for reforms in every policy area—from taxes and regulation to crime and national defence. |
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Last Post for Prince Philip | Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, died on the 9th April 2021 at age 99. His life was one of dedication to family and the Commonwealth. |
Zadok the Priest – QEII Coronation 1953 | Zadok the Priest is a work by the Composer George Handel written for the coronation of George II in 1727. The reference is to the biblical story of the annointing of Solomon by Zadok the Priest. It was played at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953, when eyes around the Empire were glued to screens at a rich neighbour's, or on a tele rented for the occasion. It is not the power the Queen wields, but the power that she denies. |
Trooping the Colour | The Trooping of the Colour has marked the official birthday of the British Sovereign for over 260 years. Henry Purcell composed the melody of "Lillibulero" for a march in 1686. |
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Sir Roger Scruton | The website of Roger Scruton (1944-2020), one of the few outstanding conservative philosophers taken too soon. Welcome to my website, which is a guide to my professional life as a writer and philosopher. My CV provides detailed information concerning my career. |
Edmund Burke on the French Revolution | Hailed as the father of modern Conservatism, Burke was a critic of the unbridled reason unleashed on the French people. He believed that society must first weigh the lessons from the past before carefully and slowly implementing change. He was not against progress, just against the, "year one," lop off 30,000 heads in terror, wipe the slate clean, and build anew from pure abstraction, type of progress.. |
New Discourses – The “go-to guide” for Woke | James Lindsay is the man behind this site. He has absorbed and analysed more than 50 years of woke academic papers so you don't have to. Most postmodernist papers are impenetrable anyway. James has a dictionary which helps you understand all the new jargon as well as regular articles and podcasts. |
Socrates | Socrates (470-399 B.C.) is regarded as the first moral philosopher and exponent of refutation "The Socratic Method." Plato's dialogues are among the most comprehensive accounts of Socrates to survive from antiquity, from which Socrates has become renowned for his contributions to the fields of ethics and epistemology. |
Blackheath Philosophy Forum | Blackheath Philosophy Forum was founded in 2002 to arrange public discussion forums on philosophical topics, and we have presented an annual series of talks every year since. |
Western Foundations
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Origins of the English Parliament -> Australian Parliament | English Parliament, and its descendents, are said to find their foundation 750 years ago (as of January 20th 2015) when, following a civil war with Henry III, Simon de Montfort, 8th Earl of Leicester, called together a parliament of knights and burgesses, representatives of local towns, to discuss wider matters of English governance. |
Faith & Heritage | |
Project Gutenberg Australia – Digitised Books | A repository of electronic books for which copyright has expired. The premise on which Micheal Hart based Project Gutenberg was: anything that can be entered into a computer can be reproduced indefinitely. The limitation is that books may be more easily altered or even erased "digitally burned," if the book does not align with the prevailing mores or narrative. |
Funeral Oration of Pericles – Thucydides | The Funeral Oration has become one of the most famous and influential passages in Thucydides’ work; it offers a stirring tribute to the culture of Athens, to democracy and freedom, and it celebrates the men who are willing to die for their city. |
Hippocratic Oath – I swear by Apollo… | In the oath, the physician pledges to prescribe only beneficial treatments, according to his abilities and judgment; to refrain from causing harm or hurt; and to live an exemplary personal and professional life. |
Christopher Dawson Centre | Christopher Dawson (1889-1970) was brought up an Anglican, converted to Roman Catholicism in 1914, and is principally known for his powerful defence of the vital role of the Christian religion as a major strand of Western culture. The aim of the Centre named after him is ‘to promote awareness of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition and Cultural Heritage as essential components of human civilization’. |
Magna Carta | By declaring the sovereign to be subject to the rule of law and documenting the liberties held by “free men,” the Magna Carta provided the foundation for individual rights in jurisprudence of the nations of the Commonwealth and in the USA.. |
The Australian Constitution | The Australian Constitution sets out the powers of the States and the Commonwealth of Australia, facilitating federation under the Crown in 1901. It may only be amended by referendum, with a majority of States and voters needed to approve the amendment. |
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Daisy Cousens | Daisy is a political and cultural commentator. Daisy has been told she's a 'flamethrower', and describes herself as an *occasional* provocateur, and feminist apostate. |
The Lotus Eaters | The brain-child of Carl Benjamin who is a free speech extremist and a defender of classically liberal views. He is accompanied by very capable associates, who analyse and critique British and global affairs. |
The Britisher | His views might be Churchillian in nature, as you won't find him apologising for the British Empire. Also known for his cute cat videos. |