Vale David Duffy
David Duffy, WHA Chairman, passed from this life in the early morning of the 10th November 2022.
Continue ReadingDavid Duffy, WHA Chairman, passed from this life in the early morning of the 10th November 2022.
Continue ReadingBurke did not oppose liberty; he just had a different view on how it was best realised. Liberty based on centuries of evolution of the common law and social norms was superior to the abstract French Rights of Man.
Continue Reading57th Round Table Forum of Western Heritage Australia. Evening of the 8th November 2022. Held in the Jubilee Room, NSW Parliament House, 6 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW.
Continue Reading56th Round Table Forum of Western Heritage Australia. Evening of the 20th September 2022. Held in the Jubilee Room, NSW Parliament House, 6 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW.
Continue Reading55th Round Table Forum of Western Heritage Australia. Evening of the 21st June 2022. Held in the Henry Carmichael Theatre, Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts, 280 Pitt St, Sydney NSW.
Continue Reading54th Round Table Forum of Western Heritage Australia. Evening of the 29th March 2022. Held in the Henry Carmichael Theatre, Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts, 280 Pitt St, Sydney NSW.
Continue ReadingIn the 1930s in Italy, an imprisoned Communist, Antonia Gramsci, was writing his “prison papers” opining that the dismantling the key cultural institutions, including the family, was necessary before Communism could take hold. Rudi Dutschke, a German Neo-Marxist in the late 1960s, followed on with this theme declaring that revolution would not succeed by violent over-throw, but by subverting society through “a long march through the institutions of power;” education, media, civil service, and judiciary.
Continue ReadingSolzhenitsyn’s estimate of death toll across the Soviet Union due to all the atrocities of Lenin and Stalin was of 60 million killed (other estimates put it at at least 20 m).
“Ideology—that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination.”
Continue ReadingIt was a thorough reset; money and private property were abolished, cities emptied, families separated, religion forbidden, and rural collectives formed. Books were burned and the wearing of glasses was criminalised.
Continue ReadingGroups of young people known as Red Guards struggled against authorities at all levels of society, setting up their own tribunals. It is estimated that 100,000s if not millions died. The Police turned a blind eye to the Red Guard beating bourgeois elements to death. Mao is quoted as saying,
“China is a populous nation, it is not as if we cannot do without a few people.”
It is better that ten guilty persons go free than that one innocent suffer.
Continue ReadingIn Chapter 3 of a condensed history of the Terror of Communism, the consequences of concentrating power in one person are examined. After the death of Lenin, a former executioner of the party assumed power, leading to three decades of terror. As one example, in 1932 a terror-famine was unleashed on Ukraine causing 3.5 million deaths.
Continue ReadingThis is chapter 2 in the condensed history of Communism. This week, the rise of the totalitarian state “the dictatorship of the proletariat” as a means of transitioning to the workers’ Utopia a.k.a. Leninism.
Continue ReadingA word of clarification on the meaning of sovereignty of the individual.
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