Condemnation of Vandalism on Captain Cook Statue in Randwick

Press Release – Western Heritage Australia Date: 25th January 2025 Contact: [email protected] Western Heritage Australia is deeply disturbed and saddened by the recent act of vandalism against the historic Captain Cook statue located in Randwick, Sydney. Early in the morning of the 24th January 2025, the statue was disgracefully desecrated with red paint and had […]

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Calvary in Kabul

That half of the Afghan population who are women might have a particular reason to dread a renewed Taliban regime in their country as it would deprive them of every single advantage gained since 2001. Civilisation, as we see it, means the freedom to seek and achieve one’s potential. The Taliban are enemies of that civilisation.

They proved this beyond all doubt when in 2001 they dynamited the “Buddhas of Bamiyan.” They were 2000 years old and belonged to the world!

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Reflections on Orwell – D. Duffy

Reflections on OrwellAuthor: David Duffy A little while ago, I chaired a talk on George Orwell and his significance in the year 2021. “Orwellian” is now part of our language and cultural hemisphere. In my vote of thanks, I quoted the early 19th century Russian monk Pechorin in his letter to Alexander Herzen, the famous […]

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The Fog of Woke

The purpose of this short vignette is to introduce you to some of the jargon of Critical Social Justice. The difficulty in understanding someone versed in Critical Theory is that the words used are often identical to the commonly used words, but with completely different meanings and obscured subtext.

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Mulch – D. Duffy

Author: D. Duffy. In this editorial, I will respond to a very strange column which appeared some time ago in The Australian newspaper. In it, the writer said, “I’ve never seen a useful definition of a basic human right, nor ever encountered a supposed example that did not fast dissolve into a blur of conditional […]

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A Language of an oft Conquered Isle

A Language of an oft Conquered IsleAuthor: P. Henge. Most languages of the world have well defined structures stemming from a single origin, albeit with a few foreign notes – not unlike a good vintage wine. Yet English, to be sure, is non-vintage, but just as stressed grapes create the best wines, so the tortured […]

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The Cat and the King – D. Duffy

“FOR SOME MEN NOTHING IS WRITTEN UNLESS THEY WRITE IT.” This interesting line was once used in reference to the late T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia).

It is a damn tempting precept to take up and I have often been a disciple when I have creatively jay-walked contrary to traffic regulations and infringed on other municipal by-laws at random – but I value the rule of law none the less.

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Zeitgeist – D. Duffy

ZeitgeistAuthor: David Duffy A recent article in the Australian newspaper spoke of Zeitgeist, the spirit of this day and age, as something pervasive and impalpable though very real, which politicians need to hitch a ride on to avoid eclipse, oblivion, and of course being voted out of office. The writer made the point that progressives now […]

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