Reflections on Orwell – D. Duffy

Reflections on OrwellAuthor: David Duffy A little while ago, I chaired a talk on George Orwell and his significance in the year 2021. “Orwellian” is now part of our language and cultural hemisphere. In my vote of thanks, I quoted the early 19th century Russian monk Pechorin in his letter to Alexander Herzen, the famous […]

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The Cat and the King – D. Duffy

β€œFOR SOME MEN NOTHING IS WRITTEN UNLESS THEY WRITE IT.” This interesting line was once used in reference to the late T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia).

It is a damn tempting precept to take up and I have often been a disciple when I have creatively jay-walked contrary to traffic regulations and infringed on other municipal by-laws at random – but I value the rule of law none the less.

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